intro cybersec

Intro to Cybersecurity

Introduction to Cyber Security was designed to help learners develop a deeper understanding of modern information and system protection technology and methods. The learning outcome is simple: We hope learners will develop a lifelong passion and appreciation for cyber security, which we are certain will help in future endeavors. Students, developers, managers, engineers, and even private citizens will benefit from this learning experience. Special customized interviews with industry partners were included to help connect the cyber security concepts to live business experiences.


Students will learn to:

  • summarize the main purpose of cyber security as a discipline
  • summarize the basics of identification and authentication in cyber security
  • explain the pros and cons of security through obscurity
  • develop a lifelong learning plan for potential careers in cyber security


15 horas

Curso Online




Del 1 de enero 2023
al 31 de diciembre 2023


  1. The Need for Cybersecurity
  2. Attacks, Concepts and Techniques
  3. Protecting Your Data and Privacy
  4. Protecting the Organization
  5. Will Your Future be in Cybersecurity?
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    Paseo Isabel la Católica nº6