microsoft learn for educators

Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python is a beginning course (not intended for experienced programmers) in which students can learn and practice coding in an online environment that requires only a modern web browser and Internet connection. No special software is required to complete this course. The course includes video content, practice labs, and coding projects.

Note: The examples, labs, and code projects in this course use the Python 3 language.


  • Learn basic programming concepts
  • Perform online exercises in the Jupyter Notebook development environment
  • Develop and run programs in Jupyter Notebooks
  • Utilize concepts such as data types, variables, and user input
  • Build functions, use operators, use conditional statements
  • Build while loops, increment variables
  • Troubleshoot errors
  • Complete coding assignments related to the content of each module
  • Access string and substring content
  • Iterate through strings
  • Create, access, modify, and delete lists and list items.
  • Create numeric iteration.
  • Extend, sort, and reverse lists.
  • Convert between strings and lists.
  • Split and join lists
  • Import, open, and navigate through files.
  • Read and write to files.
  • Complete coding assignments related to the content of each module
  • Implement Python modules for system navigation, math, and date-time calculations
  • Apply more-powerful statements using compound conditionals (and/or), identity (is), and negation
  • Apply complex operator precedence
  • Precisely format print output
  • Manage errors as a natural part of running code
  • Solve problems requiring data collection and recall by using Tuples & Dictionary Data Structures
  • Build maintainable and distributable functions and files
  • Use standard documentation practices
  • Complete coding assignments related to the content of each module


30 horas

Curso Online

Del 1 de enero 2023
al 31 de diciembre 2023


  1. Unit 1 (this course) focuses on Python language basics, introducing data types, variables, input, functions, operators, conditional statements, loops, and incrementing. Students will be introduced to the basic structure of the Python 3 language and be ready to take Unit 2 as well as other beginner courses.

  2. Unit 2 (Course 40461) focuses on Python data structures such as strings, lists, and range sequences, as well as methods for working with these structures. Students will be introduced to data structures and files in Python 3 and be ready to take Unit 3 as well as other beginner courses.

  3. Unit 3 (this course) focuses on using Python to develop sustainable code. Students will be introduced to data structures and files in Python 3 and be ready for more-advanced Python learning.Online course.

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